We have moved. If you haven't already heard the news that we have moved across the state of Idaho, sorry but hey now you know. Chase graduated with his Doctorate in Pharmacy from Idaho State University in May, and yes I am now officially married to a Dr. About a week after Graduation Chase was offered a job with a company called Bi-Mart. Bi-Mart is mainly located in Oregon and Washington with two stores in Idaho. Unfortunately the two stores in Idaho are on the west side of the state. They are located in Weiser and Emmett. I know you were dying to know just in case you are ever in Emmett or Weiser Idaho and think to yourself what should I do? Well now you know you can take a trip over to the local Bi-Mart. However it will cost you 5 dollars for your lifetime membership (you can't beat that deal.) Chase is a floating Pharmacist for Bi-Mart and will float from Emmett all the way up to Pendleton, Oregon. Chase started working for Bi-Mart the last week of May. Bryson and I followed him to the west side about three months later once we closed on our house on the outskirts of Caldwell and Middleton. We are excited for this new chapter in our lives but very nervous at the same time. Hopefully this time I will be able to keep up with my blogging for those who would like to know what we are up to on the other side of the state now.