Saturday, September 15, 2012

We Have Moved

We have moved. If you haven't already heard the news that we have moved across the state of Idaho, sorry but hey now you know. Chase graduated with his Doctorate in Pharmacy from Idaho State University in May, and yes I am now officially married to a Dr. About a week after Graduation Chase was offered a job with a company called Bi-Mart. Bi-Mart is mainly located in Oregon and Washington with two stores in Idaho. Unfortunately the two stores in Idaho are on the west side of the state. They are located in Weiser and Emmett. I know you were dying to know just in case you are ever in Emmett or Weiser Idaho and think to yourself what should I do? Well now you know you can take a trip over to the local Bi-Mart. However it will cost you 5 dollars for your lifetime membership (you can't beat that deal.) Chase is a floating Pharmacist for Bi-Mart and will float from Emmett all the way up to Pendleton, Oregon. Chase started working for Bi-Mart the last week of May. Bryson and I followed him to the west side about three months later once we closed on our house on the outskirts of Caldwell and Middleton. We are excited for this new chapter in our lives but very nervous at the same time. Hopefully this time I will be able to keep up with my blogging for those who would like to know what we are up to on the other side of the state now.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

July Fun

July was a busy month for us. Bryson and I enjoyed going to Wolf Creek in Eden, Utah with Chase's Family (Chase could not join us because of his pharmacy rotations). While in Utah we went down to the Aquarium and had a lot of fun there as well. A week later my sister Kym came into town with her kids Brian and Kjerstin as well as my little sister Kabrie. They stayed with us for a couple of days. Bryson really had a fun time playing with all of them (especially Kabrie-he loves that girl). Bryson and I then took another trip down to Utah to enjoy Pioneer Day with my family and watch fireworks. Bryson loved the fireworks and is still talking about them. We then had more family come into town. Chase's aunt Sheri came with her family. We enjoyed a nice Sunday dinner with everyone including Chase's grandparents. My long time best friend Kayte then came to visit after spending two years in China teaching English and to meet Bryson for the first time. He figured out real quick how to get Kayte wrapped right around his finger. We then went boating for Aimee and Ryan's Birthday. It was Bryson's first time boating and he did really well and had a lot of fun. His favorite part was looking into the sky for airplanes/helicopters and honking the horn on the boat. Overall July was a fun month for us and we look forward to what August will bring.

Bryson Swimming at Wolf Creek

Kyra and Bryson at the Aquarium

Bryson telling Kara to touch the Stingray but Bryson not wanting to touch it himself.

Ashley, Kara, and Bryson touching a snake

Ribbit, Ribbit

Cousins Kjerstin and Bryson

Cousin Brian

Aunt Kabrie, Bryson, Kjerstin, and Brian

Bryson hanging out in the water before getting on the boat

Chase and Bryson
how cute

Kayte and Kyra
Looking Good

Aimee and Ryan
The Birthday Couple

Just chillin

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The 4th of July

This year for the 4th of July we spent the day with Chase's family. We started our day by taking Bryson to the Parade and Kara came along. It was Bryson's first parade, and he loved it. All he had to do was sit and people would put candy in his lap. He thought that it was pretty great.

After the parade we headed up to Scout Mountain for a picnic with the family. After we ate lunch we took Bryson on a short little walk to a little creek that he could put his feet in and throw rocks. At first he didn't want to put his feet in but after he got used to the water he loved it, and it took a lot of convincing to get him out. Bryson also really enjoyed throwing rocks into the water with Chase. We then loaded Bryson up in his pack pack as he likes to call it, so we could go on a nice hike. About five minutes into the hike we were all getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, so we decided we better pack up and head back down to town.

We then hung out at Chase's parents until it was time to watch the fireworks from the fairgrounds from the backyard. Once the fireworks were done we did a few of our own. Bryson loved the snaps we bought for him. He was not as big of a fan of the sparklers because we would not let him hold them on his own. After all of our fireworks were gone, we waited another hour or so for traffic to calm down so we could get off of Chase's parents hill without being stuck in traffic.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bryson's First Crush

For those of you that know Bryson he does not like to sit. He is constantly moving around and has to be busy doing something. About a month ago we bought him a movie to teach him his letters and he would kind of watch it. He would watch for about a minute and then get up and do something and then come back a few minutes later and does the same thing throughout the movie. While Chase's family was watching him one day he asked to watch A (that is what he calls his letters movie,) and they told him they didn't have A. He really wanted to watch A so they tried another movie to see if it would tide him over. That is when his crush started. He is now infatuated with Belle from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. All he wants to do all day is watch Belle. We have tried to get him to watch other movies, and he will show a little interest in some of them but nothing like Beauty and the Beast. He loves Belle and asks for her all day long.
Below are pictures of Bryson watching his first crush.

June Update

Chase has started his last year of Pharmacy school. His last year will consist of seven six week rotations and one six week break. His first rotation was at Kmart. He just finished his first rotation and is pictured below showing that he has one rotation down. This is as much excitement I could get out of him. I tried to get him to give me a pose with more celebration in it but he wouldn't. We came to a compromise and he put one finger up to symbolize one rotation down. I then had to show how excited I am that he has one rotation down.

Monday, June 13, 2011

New York City!

A few weeks ago I got the chance to go to New York City for the Pediatric Dental convention with my office. The trip there was very long and full of hurdles. Once we all arrived at the hotel things changed for the better, and the trip turned out to be a blast. From 3:oo am stops at the corner vendor for a hot dog, seeing Wicked on Broadway, running in central park, New York Cheesecake, China Town, and a cab ride none of us will ever forget, the trip was full of fun and excitement.
Hanging out in Time Square
No standding ok will sit then.

New York City at night

Mandy and I on our Bus Tour
Our new Shades
Ground Zero
Hot Dogs at 3:00 am

New York Cheesecake

Running in Central Park

Cab rid home

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Easter

This year for Easter we went down to my parent's house in Utah. It was a lot of fun and really nice to see everyone. We had a nice dinner and enjoyed a Easter Egg Hunt for the little kids as well as one for the older kids (by kids I mean adults). Bryson really enjoyed the Easter Egg Hunt and picked up on it real fast, although he may continue to look in the grass for eggs for the next little while.
Bryson with his Easter Basket
All dressed up and ready for Church
(Bryson in his new Easter Outfit)